It has been a loong loong pause…

It has been nearly two years since my last blog post…

I won’t claim that I was too occupied to write, but rather that various priorities have diverted my attention and prevented me from sitting down and sharing the topics I’m passionate about. During this time, I made a significant career change, transitioning from my longstanding role as an in-house online application developer/manager to the payment industry. This shift has immersed me in the vast e-commerce landscape, where I assist merchants across different business corridors. I quickly realized that payments play a pivotal role in the success of an online business, and selecting the right service partner is absolutely crucial.

As I refocus on sharing my knowledge online, particularly in the realms of e-commerce, the payment industry, and various e-commerce platforms,

I aim to provide valuable insights and experiences. I’ll discuss everything from generating app ideas to starting the development process, and even the challenges I’ve encountered and conquered along the way. My intention is to offer a unique perspective and provide some actionable takeaways for anyone who happens upon this blog.

So, let’s explore what lies ahead and stay tuned for more exciting content.

Remark: Loong is not a typo, it is intended, there are so many fun topic around the word Loong this year and these days 😏 (The year of Loong, Loong Nine …)

Happy New Year @ 2012

Happy New Year @ 2012

It is a difficult year, no matter to the world or to me. There are too many disasters, the financial crisis, making lots of people die or poor. And for my job, we finally make out company site launch. We got too many to work out in order to meet numerous deadline: Launch date, pre-sale, etc. But no matter what, this 2012 I am preparing for my new era. I hope to work our our future with my love. And I wish I can share my skills to help more people to work out more great sites.

Wish you all best in 2012!

Happy new year



然而可幸的是工作需忙,但卻很投入其中。一組男家班,一起工作的團隊感覺是我嚮往的,從過去在小公司工作中感受不到的。雖然工時間或長了,但接觸的新事物多了,工作由最初的IE6-SUPPORT的FRONT-END WEB DEVELOPER變成JAVA編程員。由對ATG Commerce零認知到現在還可獨自寫出一些servlet/droplet搭JSP。最意想不到是有一部Mac Book Pro外還負責了iPhone application的編程工作。人工的量價比低了,但獲益良多。

對現在的日間工作尚算滿意,但還是想充份利用餘暇。由上年年尾到今年初,蒼天蠻看顧小弟,接著一單又一單的freelance上門,對新的freelance工作也得選擇一番。當然若果可以,我還是想進行多些web development方面自我增值。像如何寫較好的HTML5網頁,寫較好的jQuery程式。熟習一些Open source、CMS,好使當有新項目時能更快更易開發。
