The web hosting I am using is ICDSoft, but from time to time I will help people setting up website using other web hosting base on their requirement and the budget they can afford.
ICDSoft is very famous in her stable services as well as their extreme helpful support (Suresupport). And I never find them so helpful once I started using some other web hosting, namely, GoDaddy and Hostgator.
Hostgator comes to my eye-sight because of they open China market when I search for economic China web hosting. It does not cost much, but their admin panel is quite messy, and their support is also not fast enough in catering my inquiry. However, it is much better than GoDaddy.
GoDaddy is very famous in their domain sale, she often provides very cheap domain sale. But it also famous in their un-user-friendly admin panel, complicated control of your account. You are not only fail in using username to login your admin panel (you have to use the customer ID). And recently when I help my friend setup the Delux web hosting plan, it almost turns me crazy during the email setup. Therefore I seek for their online support.
After looking up the whole website, GoDaddy only provide Live chat or call-in support. There is no email support or online support ticket system for firing support ticket. I turn out opening the Live chat window and see the screen:
It turns out I waited an hour for a support expert to chat with me. And before I reach the expert, I already sort out the issue by surfing from the Internet.
To know that, [email protected] no longer work:
And this is really poor to me, as I often wish to share screen or text file for resolving issue, and GoDaddy turns me down really deeply.
Well, my friends look for economic approach, I can only try harder to help them by myself.