MacOS Desktop/Finder keep refreshing/restarting

I went to Apple Store for repairing my iMac harddisk recently. After that, when I use it, with Time Machine restoring my Mac to previous backup, I found the Finder keep refreshing for certain time interval.

The symptoms are:

  1. Opened Finder are all gone after some time.
  2. The Desktop keep refreshing with interval

From Apple Discussion, some people mention to solution:

  1. Restart the OS with Safe mode
  2. Remove some corrupted file(s)
  3. Change User Account with potential losing some Account’s preference

Hopefully I didn’t work with those approach until I found someone mention it can be Dropbox issue (to me, I also suspect even related to other Finder related Application, like Google Drive)

Therefore I remove Dropbox, Disable Google Drive, so then, the problem seems gone.

So, if you find yourselves suffering similar case, you may try to disable/uninstall Dropbox / GoogleDrive first, and see if the problem gone. And re-install the spoken software on demand. Hope this help.

One thought on “MacOS Desktop/Finder keep refreshing/restarting”

  1. Great! I just fixed the same problem on my Mac thanx to your help: I disabled Google Drive and the desktop was repaired! Thanx again!

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